Text NEBNIL to 801801 or donate HERE

Enter to win one of the below AMAZING prizes!

- Pre-Game Party at 1890 Headquarters and 2 tickets to home opener football game
- Pre-Game Party at 1890 Headquarters and 2 tickets to UCLA football game
- Pre-Game Party at 1890 Headquarters and 2 tickets to Colorado football game
- Pre-Game Party at 1890 Headquarters and 2 tickets to Wisconsin football game
- Cornhead Package  - 2 cases of Cornhead Lager, 1 bottle of Cornhead Vodka, and 10 bags of Cornhead Jerky
     **must be 21 to win
- Attend a basketball practice
- Lunch at Aragon with 2 volleyball players
- Coach Rhule signed football
- Round at Arbor Links for 4

Learn more at 1890nebraska.com