The holiday shopping season is underway, and some Nebraska seniors might be doing some shopping for what insurance coverage is right for them.

The Medicare enrollment window is still open, but not for much longer.

Medicare has evolved quite a bit since its establishment in the 1960s, offering the traditional Type A and B plans, but also Type D, prescription coverage, and the Medicare Advantage Plan.

That plan is available in many counties in Nebraska, and industry experts say it's become a more attractive option for seniors looking for the most bang for their buck.

"It provides a nice blend of premiums - it's about the cost of a very affordable supplement plan - but it also includes coverage for prescription drugs," said Tom Gilsdorf, regional Medicare expert with health insurance provider Medica. "There's no co-pay for instance when you go to the doctor, and there's dental, vision, and even over-the-counter benefits."

Medicare Advantage isn't available everywhere in Nebraska, and there's no one-size-fits-all option for Nebraska seniors.

Gilsdorf says that's why it's important to do your research before deciding on a plan.

"What are your health insurance needs?" Gilsdorf adds. "Do you have any specific medical needs? Prescription drugs that you need to be covered? How often do you go to the doctor? What doctors do you go to? Do you need coverage when you travel?"

Gilsdorf says there are a number of options available to seniors to get more information.

In Nebraska, the Department of Insurance offers the State Health Insurance Program - or SHIP - which has hotlines and local resources available all over the state.

Seniors can also get info at the federal Medicare website, or at Medica's website

The enrollment period goes through Dec. 7.