NEBRASKA CITY-This Month’s Bee’s Best is Nebraska City High School Principal, Brian Hoover. Principal Hoover was nominated for always going above and beyond for his students and the community.

Principal Hoover talked about his relationships with his students, the rewards of seeing them succeed, his fundraiser for the NCPS Fine Arts Boosters, and the community of Nebraska City as whole.

“My specific purpose is to help every individual gain access to as many options as possible.  You do that through laying the foundation of what has gotten people to where there are, successful people to where they are.  Integrity, teamwork, perseverance, support, those elements haven’t change as much as jobs have changed over the past 20 years, or as much as the military has changed over the past 20 to 30 years, colleges have changed, everything has changed.  Those specific elements haven’t.  When you focus on those types of things, and people know you have their best interest at heart I think it’s really easy to get along with people.   It’s not just one sided, we have a great community here, and we have parents who have done a wonderful job raising their kids, and I know that at any given point if I was to ask our kids for help, or assistance they would be there to help me. It’s not one sided by any means, but it’s been a real joy over the past 23 years to work with these kids.”

“Seeing someone reach their goal or get something that they want honestly is the best reward that I think any educator could get.  I’m sure if you ask any teacher, they are excited when their kids see the outcome of their work.”

“Number one I’m bored, number two I don’t have a problem making a fool out of myself, and then number three our Fine Arts Boosters Program has done such an amazing job and all the fundraising is service to other people. That’s what they do, they make pies for other people during our big concerts, they help with district music, all of their fundraising they’ve done throughout the years comes from service to other people.  We were just kind of brain storming opportunities how we can support a group that has supported us for so many years.  That’s how we arrived at that, and I had the time, principals don’t do a lot except sit at their desk and watch Netflix right? I had the time to do it and it was really good, it didn’t take a lot, the community responded almost instantaneously and overwhelmingly, so it didn’t take a lot to do and we were able to raise quite a bit of money for that organization.”

“The community as a whole since my wife and I have arrived here since 1999.  Doesn’t matter where you send your kids to school, doesn’t matter what your affiliation is, doesn’t really matter if you need assistance, people have been there.   People want to form relationships, people want to find out how they can help, people want to be part of something in this community, and I’ve always appreciated that.   It is something that when we raised our children and decided where we were going to live that’s the reason we stayed here, and it’s the reason I’ll stay here as long as people will have me.”

Thank you, Brian Hoover, for all you do for Nebraska City.