NORFOLK, Neb. — The pandemic has created all sorts of challenges for people in Nebraska. For the sisters at the Missionary Benedictine in Norfolk, it means fewer chances to address the needs of the community.

Typically, their days are filled with charitable work and outreach programs. Much of that had to be sideline to keep them safe from COVID-19.

The sisters say they’re taking it all in stride, forming a team to help make decisions and working together. They know they have to be careful, especially the elders.

“The fear is there, but the sisters have been so cooperative that it kind of has helped us to relax a little bit within it,” said Sister Rosann Ocken. “We have a family here.”

The sisters say they’ve noticed an increase in people coming together to help one another since the start of the outbreak.

Now that they’re back to having daily mass, they’ve even seen a rise in attendance.

The sisters are looking forward to Christmas, saying they’re preparing for the holiday with new items at their gift store. Visitors are welcome but must come wearing masks.