BEATRICE – Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts held a ceremonial signing of a bill Thursday, that will increase tuition assistance to Nebraska National Guard members.

LB 450 was sponsored by Senator Anna Wishart and increases the level of tuition assistance to guard members from 75-percent, to 100-percent. It also provides up to 50% tuition assistance to guard members for graduate-level study.

"We've had some pretty tough budget cycles, so it took us over two years to finally get this through. I can't thank the General enough and all of my colleagues who supported this issue. This does make Nebraska one of the best states in terms of National Guard tuition assistance in the country, if not the best state. That's a big deal for us. I like it when Nebraska does something first and best, so today is a really good day to celebrate."

Major General Daryl Bohac, the Nebraska Adjutant General, called it an incredible moment that began with a guard member who as a constituent, brought the idea to their state lawmaker.
"And that's only been possible not just because of the last two years, but the consistent and dedicated performance by the men and women of the Nebraska National Guard....and what they do not only for this state, but also for our nation. Because of that performance, we enjoy a good place with the legislature and with Governor Ricketts. That's because we endeavor each and every day to go out and earn that be in that relationship."

The original tuition assistance program started years ago, but LB 450 increases the levels of that assistance. Bohac said the increased level of support is part of an overall move that makes Nebraska one of the most military and veteran-friendly states.

Governor Pete Ricketts said not only have Nebraska Guard members served their country overseas but have also done exceptional work during recovery from the 2019 flooding and during this year’s coronavirus pandemic.

"I just cannot tell you how proud I am of the Nebraska National Guard. You just do such fantastic, wonderful work. You protect our are an amazing resource for the citizens of Nebraska and we are so proud."

There are about 4,500 members of the Nebraska Army and Air National Guard. It’s estimated the budget impact of the additional tuition assistance will be about $350,000 annually.

Guard Tuition Bill Signing