SCOTTSBLUFF - The Panhandle Public Health District faced criticism this week over a photo with Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts.

The photo showed staff members and the Governor posing for a photo, holding face masks - but not wearing them - and not standing six-feet a part.

Gov. Ricketts visited PPHD in Scottsbluff on Tuesday to share his appreciation for the health district's work during the COVID-19 pandemic. PPHD has logged more than 4,000 calls and staff have worked several hours of overtime to keep their 12-county region updated with the latest novel coronavirus information, scientific strategies and precautions.

PPHD Director Kim Engel was hesitant to host the Governor, because they've been practicing their own safety precautions and the staff hasn't been together. However, Engel was able to locate a space where social distancing could be practiced.

The photo was taken after a tour of the PPHD office, in-which everyone was wearing a face covering. According to a statement from the health district, everyone quickly removed their masks for a few pictures. Once the photos were taken, masks were put back on and people spaced back out. 

According to the PPHD, exposure is defined as less than six feet for 15 minutes or more.

"We certainly wouldn’t put anyone in harm’s way, especially so many that are working countless hours and we all need to stay healthy to do so," the statement said. "Unfortunately, we live in a world where people will find an opportunity to remove a full accompanying story to breed conspiracy."

PPHD confirmed three more cases of COVID-19 in the panhandle Wednesday. The panhandle currently has 43 active cases. There have been a total of 447 cases, 398 have recovered, and there have been six deaths.

All three new cases are adults in Scotts Bluff County.