BEATRICE – It’s a happy ending for a stolen puppy and her owner in the village of Barneston.  Late Monday morning, a three-month-old Labrador mix named “Blackbear” was turned over to an investigator at the Gage County Sheriff’s Office….happy, healthy and showing no signs of abuse or mistreatment. 

Law officers contacted the owner and she was reunited with the animal at the Sheriff’s Office.  Sheriff’s Officers had issued a public appeal for the person possessing the dog, to promptly contact them and return the animal, and no charges would be filed.

The puppy had been stolen from a porch in Barneston, Sunday.  Witnesses identified the suspect who stole the dog and deputies say that person admitted to taking the animal.

Gage County Deputies cited three people in the investigation.   56-year-old Kimberly Petersen of Rural Wymore was ticketed for theft.  55-year-old Kristin Wilcox of Barneston cited for theft by taking and false reporting.  57-year-old Todd Wilcox was ticketed for false reporting.

Stealing pets is a criminal offense.