COLUMBUS - Columbus Community Hospital is getting ready for one of its yearly highlights this weekend in Frankfort Square.

CCH will be holding its 34th annual Extravaganza this Saturday at 10:30 AM, along with its 6th annual butterfly release. Butterflies for the event are purchased to honor a loved one or to celebrate a special event, and Extravaganza Committee Chairman Mary Powers says it's always a special scene when they are released.

"We have a spread out area in Frankfort Square that butterflies are going to enjoy," Powers said. "On their own timing, people can just take a private spot or get into a group and release their butterflies, it is really special to experience."

Those that have purchased butterflies will also have a special message printed onto a paper butterfly, which will be pinned to a banner and displayed in the square. Powers says that once the event is done, attendees are welcome to take their message home with them in remembrance of the occasion.

All funds raised from this year's Extravaganza will be going towards the purchase of ICS impulse vestibulotherapy glasses for the hospital's Rehabilitative Services department. Powers says that the event will also include entertainment from Lynette's Dance Studio, as well as a singing performance from CCH VolunTEEN Karissa Gleeson.

A handmade butterfly quilt will also be raffled off to attendees, which two CCH volunteers took over 100 hours to create. Winners will also be crowned in the first-ever Butterfly Release Coloring Contest, with awards being given in three different categories (Ages 1-4, Ages 5-7, & Ages 8+).

The Extravaganza is set to begin this Saturday, June 29th, at 10:30 AM in Frankfort Square.