WILBER - The Saline County Sheriff's Office announced the results of the Click It or Ticket Mobilization from May 20 - June 2, 2019.

The campaign, which began with saturation patrols in Saline County from May 20 - June 2, resulted in 20 citations being written with particular emphasis on seatbelt usage.

“I think the point entirely is making the roads safe,” Saline County deputy Matt Jonas said. “It's not about writing a ticket - it's about being visible in the public and letting people know we're out there.”

Law enforcement agencies throughout Nebraska participated in this nationwide high-visibility enforcement effort. During the effort the Saline County Sheriff's Office reported citations with the following results:

Speeding - 6

No Valid Operator's License - 2

Drug Violation -2

Violate Stop/Yield Sign - 1

No Proof of Insurance - 1

Careless Driving - 1

Domestic Assault - 1

2nd Degree Assault - 1

Improper Turn - 1

Fail to Yield Right of Way - 1

No Valid Registration - 1

Illegal Overtaking/Passing - 1

Disobey Traffic Control Device -1

Warrant Arrests - 2

The Saline County Sheriff's Office joined forces with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and other state and local law enforcement and highway safety professionals to launch a high-visibility enforcement initiative in targeted areas to increase seatbelt usage and reduce traffic injuries and fatalities.

In addition to the 20 citations issued during the enforcement period, deputies handed out 31 warnings.

Prior to the enforcement period, an observational survey was conducted, which showed seat belt usage at 80%.

After the enforcement period was completed, a second survey was conducted that showed a 82% seatbelt usage. During the enforcement period, the Saline County Sheriff's Office responded to seven accidents, but no serious injuries or fatalities were reported.

None of the reported accidents were alcohol related.

You can follow Tommy on Twitter @Tommy_NCN.