BEATRICE – A 46-year-old woman who could have received up to 100 years in prison, will be given another chance through probation.
Joanna Saul was sentenced to a four-year-term of probation in Gage County District Court Wednesday, for two counts of delivering an exceptionally hazardous drug....methamphetamine.

Her attorney, Leslie Remus, said Saul’s criminal record coincides with difficult times in her life…including physical and sexual abuse, and the suicide of a friend.
"Throughout Ms. Saul's life, one thing is very clear. She hasn't had a chance, and a lot of that is due to her own choices. But a lot of it is also due to things out of her own control. She's ready to make a change now, and she respectfully asks you to give her a chance and allow her to prove it to you, on a term of specialized substance abuse supervision".

Saul had previously applied to enter the Southeast Nebraska Drug Court program but was rejected for participation. Gage County District Judge Rick Schreiner opted to place her on traditional probation, for the four-year term.

The judge told Saul she’s never found sound footing in life, to support herself.
"I'm going to take a chance, like Mr. Huber did to begin with in his drug court offer. I'm going to place you on probation. But, it's going to be strictly says order, at the top. If you're going to quit appearing before judges you need to comply with this order, strictly. If you do, you won't get arrested again. If you do, your life will get better".

Defense attorney Remus said her client has tried to get into drug treatment but has been on a waiting list since last November. Judge Schreiner said treatment would normally be a part of probation. He said he was prepared to keep Saul in jail until she was admitted to residential treatment.

"I'm going to strike that term, because I understand they are not accepting people into treatment. We did a bond review on somebody...she had a bed...and they rescinded that because of the current situation with coronavirus. Our jail is stressed, as well, because of that".

Saul was ordered to pay court costs of $149 and work toward getting her GED. Saul was arrested in March of 2019, after she sold methamphetamine during a controlled purchase set up by law officers, who used a confidential informant.

Also in district court Wednesday….
· 22-year-old Mario Martinez, Jr. was sentenced to a four-year probation term for attempted delivery of an illegal drug…
· 33-year-old Michael Esau was given a two-year probation sentence for drug possession….and…
· 23-year-old Austyn Kuklish was sentenced to a two-year probation term, for attempted drug possession.