Tom Holland talks Sony Spidey split & details new addiction: golf
GQ Style/Fanny Latour-Lambert(LOS ANGELES) -- (NOTE LANGUAGE) Avengers and Spider-Man: Far From Home star Tom Holland graces the cover of the fall's GQ Style magazine, in which he addresses the much-hyped divorce between Disney-owned Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures.
"I'm not shy about expressing how incredible the last five years have been with Marvel," Holland says. "I've truly had the time of my life...they have made my dreams come true as an actor."
He added diplomatically, "Sony has also been really good to me, and the global success of Spider-Man: Far From Home is a real testament to their support, skill and commitment. The legacy and future of Spidey rests in Sony's safe hands."
As the split illustrated, it's important to keep an even keel in the entertainment industry -- and luckily, Holland has some good role models.
"The Rock is someone I've always looked up to," he says. "His whole thing is: Be the hardest-working person in the room. It's something that I've really taken to heart."
That list also includes his Avengers pals Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Hemsworth, plus his Spider-Man love interest Zendaya.
"It was a nice eye-opener for me that, like, you can work in this industry and be at that level and not be a d***," he says. "'Cause you hear all the horror stories."
Also keeping him grounded? His "most humbling" new addiction: golf.
"Avengers [Endgame]...just became the biggest film of all time...So I'm like: 'I'm gonna go play golf with the boys and celebrate,'" Holland shares. "And then you play like a d***, and it brings you right back to the earth."
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